Football prediction The mother of the civilian about the resumption of his work with his father: I do not know how he should change so that this happens, and I do not really wish him such a change

Julia Apostoli commented on the criticism of Stefanos Cicipas against her father. In August, according to Masters, in Montreal, the Greek said that he was disappointed in the apostle and that he did not hear him.
- I reacted badly to this, but not because Stepa made this decision, but because he made it. This, of course, was unfair. This suggests that it still has a lot of boyish, ill -conceived and spontaneous. And in such situations, you still need to adhere to logic, composure. And to announce this, of course, differently.
And on the very fact of a change in their cooperation, I look normally. Still, they lived with each other, worked ten years-this is a very long time. Few tennis players can boast of such dates.
- it was a serious step, and Stefanos so spontaneously announced this.
-I think it was not so spontaneous. Some points accumulated. Emotionally they are very different people. Stefanos is a strong introvert, and my husband is a strong extrovert. In this state, it was very difficult for them to match advised by
questions football tips each other.
Then the decision of Stepa is not finally reborn in working with some other coach, but to stay with the Greek coach of the Davis Cup (Dmitrius Khatsinicolau-athletes `') also says something. This suggests that he is in a state of search-maybe passive, but still a search. He did not want to change the team contrast. He remained somewhere in the Greek shores, let`s say so.
- would you like the reunion to occur?
- I do not see this at the moment. I do not know how Styopa should change so that this happens and I do not really wish him such a change. And to hope that something will happen for the better, I mean the easier form of communication between them at the apostleus, I can`t, "the apostoli told in an interview with the YouTube channel Mr. Tennis |DYCHKOVSKY.
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